Homes for Sale Near UNMC
Hello UNMC Residents, Fellows, & Students…
CLICK HERE To search homes near UNMC.
The link above provides you with a complete list of homes that are currently listed within 15 minutes of UNMC. We’ve taken the liberty to create a search, specifically designed for you, of homes that are on the market right now. Please note that you can change your search criteria at any time near the top right of the page in the red boxes.
As an added bonus, we have a special promotion for UNMC Residents, Fellows and Students! If you decide to buy or sell a home with us, we’ll provide a $500 Visa Gift Card upon a successful closing*. Please contact a sales professional today at (402) 957-1116 or for more information. You can also simply register on our site and we’ll contact you.
Good luck!
Omaha’s Elite Real Estate Group
* Must be a Resident, Fellow, or Student at the University of Nebraska Medical Center to qualify for promotion. Non-transferrable to family or friends. Gift card will be issued after a successful closing.