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How to Help Drive the Sale of Your Omaha Home

Imagine for a moment that a family is relocating to the Omaha area and that, in many ways, this family and the home that you are selling are a “perfect match.” Let’s say that they have scheduled a visit to the area that will only last two days. During that time, they will see a good number of properties, and yours among them.

Under such circumstances, time is short. First impressions really count. In this situation, what can you do to drive the sale of your home? Here are some key ideas:

Sell My Omaha NE Home

A Fair Price for a Quicker Sale

Our hypothetical relocating family may indeed be a good match for your home, but if it’s overpriced they may just not bother with the perceived hassle. Protracted haggling over price just doesn’t fit in to their pressure situation. Therefore, don’t lose an otherwise sincere buyer by overpricing your home. If your agent has done a competent comparative market analysis (CMA) involving other homes that have sold recently in your Omaha neighborhood, a proper price for your property should not be that much of a mystery. Avoid greed at this juncture and you’ll be able to move on to the next chapter of your life that much more quickly.

Get to Know Buyer Preferences

Many of today’s buyers love charm and character. By contrast, “rustic” is out, and “shiny and new” is in. As a result, things like hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, and crown moldings are popular today. Today’s buyer preferences may encourage you to remove some rather dated carpeting to expose the rich hardwood floor that lies beneath, for example.

Your Home Is an Important Product

Retailers put endless effort into the proper display and presentation of what they are promoting. Shouldn’t you do the same? What can you do as a seller to essentially stage your home so that it convinces a buyer that will make their lives better and easier? Things you should look out for is endless amounts of clutter (including in the closet). Repair anything that needs to be fixed. Essentially, prepare your home as if you were receiving guests.

Just 45 Seconds To Impress

Even prospective buyers that already live in the Omaha area are likely to develop almost instant impressions of your property, whether they are conscious of it or not.

It has been suggested that about 80-percent of buyers make their decision to purchase in just the first 45 seconds of their visit. Taking this reality seriously may point a seller toward enhancing curb appeal and the experience at the entrance of their home. The front yard should be made to look as crisp and clean as possible. This can be accomplished by trimming shrubs and hedges and even removing those that are overgrown.

It never hurts to show off the exterior of the home that an architect so carefully designed once upon a time. Some fresh mulch, especially fragrant mulch like cedar can be helpful. So can a fresh coat of paint on the front door, where the buyer will first enter your home. Make your home’s entrance a real focal point with blooming flowers in planters and hanging baskets. In the foyer, use a beautiful bouquet and possibly the addition of newer LED accent lighting to create a more inviting entry.

Selling Your Home in Omaha, NE

Successfully attend to these details that contribute to positive first impressions, and you may help to create a “love at first sight” experience. Successfully entice and excite that prospective buyer in the first 45 seconds of their visit, and you may well on your way to a successful sale.

To learn more about selling your home in Omaha, contact us or read our free home seller’s eBook:

Home Seller's eBook Omaha NE

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