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7 Habits of Highly Effective Home Buyers in Omaha, NE

The process of buying a home is not something to dread. It should be enjoyed. We often hear that this will be the largest financial transaction we will ever engage in. At the same time, it’s also one of the most gratifying purchases that anyone can make. Over the years we’ve seen certain buyer traits that have translated into successful purchasing experiences. If you’ve been wondering what it takes to getting the home you want, here are 7 habits of highly successful buyers:

Omaha NE Real Estate

1. Get Pre-Qualified for a Loan

Only a small percentage of Omaha home buyers will be able to pay cash. For everyone else, a loan will be necessary. The amount of that loan and how the mortgage might be structured are critical factors in getting the home buying process off to a good start. It is vital to attach a “pre-qualification form” to purchase offers. Especially when popular properties are involved, a buyer simply can’t afford to be without this form. Without it, the seller has no way of really knowing whether you can afford to buy their home.

Do your homework! Speak with a number of lenders so that you can make a solid decision. Nothing is more stressful than trying to change lenders midstream.

2. Define Must Haves, Like-to-Haves, and Don’t Wants

Clearly defining your “must haves” will help limit the selection of homes to manageable levels. Further establishing what you would like to have also helps to refine the home selection process.

Someone who merely tells their agent that they want a three-bedroom, two-bath residence at a general price level may find that there are literally thousands of Omaha homes that fit that category. Therefore, it is incumbent upon a prospective home buyer to be clear about the specific type of home that they want to purchase. Being decisive about what you want is crucial to utilizing your time. Ultimately, it keeps everyone involved in a real estate transaction engaged and interested.

3. Be Realistic

Finding homes for “pennies on the dollar” is pretty much a myth. Bank-owned properties are for the most part sold at market value, or close to it. Banks are not going to carelessly sell properties at deep discounts. So be realistic and don’t imagine that something “too good to be true” is going to happen in your case.

4. Be Open and Flexible

It is important to realize that unless you’re buying a home built to your exact requirements, it is unlikely that you’re going to find the absolutely perfect home. Maybe you do find a home that has almost everything. At that point a little flexibility built into your “must haves” can be the difference between a successful buying experience and a failed one.

5. Understand the Process of Buying a Home

Now, you don’t need to understand every aspect of the process — that in fact is your agent’s job. However, like most things in life, if you take some of the mystery out of the experience, it becomes less stressful. Understanding some basics about the purchase contract can go a long ways to helping you relax as you enter into a home purchase.

Ultimately, as a signer of a contract, you need to really understand what you’re signing anyhow. Get a head start in understanding what you’ll eventually be signing.

6. Be Responsible

As an Omaha-area home buyer, you are one of a number of people involved in an important transaction. As the mortgage is being processed, do your part to maintain your credit worthiness. Your agent will tell you not to make any significant new purchases during this period. Honor that vital instruction.

7. Have Fun!

If you do the previous six things with success, this final habit will quite naturally happen. This is one of the truly exciting events in your life. If you enter into the process with knowledge, act decisively, and remain confident, this can become the exciting adventure that it was meant to be.

Finally, there is no guarantee that you will have a successful buying experience. However, the seven habits detailed above can take you a long ways toward a successful journey that begins with entering the market and ends with you moving into the very special home that you ultimately purchase.

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